CONSUMPTION STANDARDS. Propellants are expensive and scarce. Economical management of propellants, goes towards reducing gasoline consumption, diesel oils and lubricants for driving a person and a ton of kilometer and for the operation of the equipment, is one of the most important issues in our economy. The way to achieve this goal is the constant expansion of the standardization of the consumption of propellants and the continuous improvement of the fuel and lubricant consumption standards applicable in this field.. The standard of consumption of propellant by a motor vehicle is determined by, except in some cases, consumption of materials in liters per 100 km of driving in conditions of average car exploitation, including charging, maneuvering, landing, e.t.c. In planning the Consumption of propellants, moderately progressive standards should be adopted, tj. consumption standards reduced by the amounts resulting from the actual savings achievements in individual economic units and from the anticipated progress. Such standards are the average of the achieved results, obviously better than the overall average consumption of propellants. The consumption rates of propellants are lowered or increased depending on the operating conditions of the motor vehicle or equipment. E.g. driving on a highway with a smooth asphalt surface, made of stone and concrete, reduces the norm by 1 do 15% depending on the road condition. When driving on damaged roads, muddy, covered with unrolled gravel or crushed stone, sand or snow, in the mountain area, when it is difficult to maneuver, with frequent stops, for fire brigade cars, for cars - tippers, for driving in large cities - the consumption norms are increased by 1 do 15%. Consumption of oils and greases, including replacement, was determined as a percentage of fuel consumption, namely: from 3,5 do 6,5% for engine oil, depending on the type of engine (before, possibly after a major repair) and from 0,8 do 2,2% for gear oils, depending on the type of drive (on one or more axles) and the type of engine (high or low resilient). Fuel consumption generally depends on: 1) ability to drive a car or maneuver equipment, 2) driving speed, the load of the car and the use of trailers, 3) weather and road conditions, 4) engine temperature and general condition of the car or equipment, 5) tire pressure. In construction contractors, the highly harmful practice of adding engine oils to gas oil is sometimes encountered. (powerplant) in order to raise his viscose. Such an "addition” it significantly worsens the propelling properties of diesel fuel, increases the amount of coke deposits, etc., and as a result - a reduction in engine power and the need for more frequent repairs. The condition of internal combustion engines used in construction often leaves much to be desired and causes excessive consumption of propellants. Realization of fuel consumption savings (just like oils and greases) requires constant improvement of engine efficiency, mainly through proper repair services.