Machines and devices for fertilization.
To get high yields of plants, it is necessary, regardless of the cultivation of the soil, also its fertilization having …
Principles of technical service and work safety
Principles of technical service and work safety.
The basic condition for the technical efficiency of repairing tools is restoring proper sharpness to working parts by grinding …
Tool sets for soil cultivation and seasoning
Tool sets for soil cultivation and seasoning.
Due to the introduction of tractors with more and more horsepower, it becomes possible to combine several cultivating tools into one …
String shafts
String shafts.
These shafts consist of steel wire strings or flat steel bars attached to several discs. Due to its low weight …
Crushing shafts
Crushing shafts.
These shafts consist of toothed rings loosely mounted on a common axis, alternating with flat discs having projections on the side surfaces. Because …
Plunge shafts
Plunge shafts.
These shafts consist of narrow wedge rings, 60-70 cm in diameter, rotatably mounted on a common axis and separated by spacer sleeves. …
Ring shafts
Ring shafts.
Smooth shaft surface is more prone to encrustation. Therefore, on moderately compact soils, ring rollers are used. Such a shaft consists of …
Smooth shafts
Smooth shafts.
Light smooth rollers are used to level the surface of the soil before sowing seeds or planting potatoes or to compact green fertilizers before plowing them in. …
Shafts with a special ring structure
Shafts with a special ring structure.
Some plants, e.g.. Rye, require loosened soil on top, but with a dense subsoil. Such an effect can be obtained by using shafts o …
Rollers for soil compaction
Rollers for soil compaction.
The role of the rollers is to compact the soil in order to reduce its porosity and to crush the lumps on its surface. When leveling the surface …