Toyota in Paris unveiled the Avensis model powered by an 183hp turbo diesel.
The car is presented as Toyota D-4D 180 Clean Power, was one …

BMW X3 – The BMW soft-offroader combines the convenience of a station wagon 3 with the comfort of the X5. is referred to as SAV (Sport Activity Vehicie). …
In time, the moment will inevitably come, when individual pipes and silencers corrode and become unfit for further use. Let us note, that most often the first is damaged …
By analyzing the service problems of modern vehicles, we can assume, that a mid-range car will not cause trouble with mufflers and exhaust pipes for about the first five years of normal …
EXHAUST COLLECTORS – The design of exhaust manifolds is a difficult task, First of all, there are problems with strength and heat – the operating temperature range is several hundred degrees C.. …
In practice, exhaust systems with an expansion chamber and silencers are constructed (In practice, exhaust systems with an expansion chamber and silencers are constructed, In practice, exhaust systems with an expansion chamber and silencers are constructed) In practice, exhaust systems with an expansion chamber and silencers are constructed. These functions are also performed by the ceramic insert and …
Absorption silencers, which use the phenomenon of absorption of sound energy by porous materials (asbestos, glass wool, metal wool). In this case, the energy of the sound is converted …